IT Infrastucture
Government Girls’ General Degree College, Kolkata offers high-profile, prominent IT infrastructure for all students. ICT enabled services are not only present in departmental classrooms of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Geography, but also in 2 Lecture Theatre Halls of the college. These services are solely available to aid the pupils in their scholastic and intellectual development. Apart from these, 68 desktops are allotted to 15 departments and computer laboratories of the institution. Among them, 55 desktops are conveniently accessible to students. The library is provisioned with 1 desktop for students and 1 more computer for teachers.
1. ICT enabled Classroom:

ICT enabled Physics Department

ICT enabled Mathematics Department

ICT enabled Geography Department

ICT enabled Chemistry Department
2. ICT enabled Lecture Theatre (LT) Hall:

ICT Enabled Lecture Theatre - 1

ICT Enabled Lecture Theatre - 2
3. Computer Laboratories:

Computer Laboratory for all students

Computer Laboratory of Physics Department

Computer Laboratory of Mathematics Department

Computer for students at Library