17.03.2025: Duty Roster of Seminar on "Indian Knowledge System" on 18/03/2025.  |  13.03.2025: Notice regarding Holi Celebration Programme on 17/03/2025.  |  13.03.2025: Notice for all the departments regarding to submit their Annual Report 2024-2025 within 27/03/2025.  |  13.03.2025: Notice for existing and ex-students and respected teachers regarding to submit creative writings and paintings for publication in college magazine by 30/04/2025.  |  13.03.2025: Notice regarding commencement of B.A./B.Com. Semester-II classes from 17/03/2025 and B.Sc. Semester-II from 02/04/2025.  |  13.03.2025: Notice for all the students, teachers and office staff regarding 7-Day Special Camp from 17/03/2025 to 23/03/2025.  |  13.03.2025: Notice for all the departments regarding submission of results in CU portal.  |  13.03.2025: Schedule of B.Com. (Honours & General) Semester-III (under CBCS) Practical Examination, 2024 on 20/03/2025.  |  12.03.2025: Schedule of 4-Year B.Sc. Chemistry Semester-I Examination, 2024 (under CCF, 2022) on 20/03/2025.  |  10.03.2025: Notice regarding Orientation Programme on "Vikshit Bharat Youth Parliament" on 12/03/2025.  |  18.02.2025: Notice for students who are going to appear in 4-Year/3-Year B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. Semester-I Examination, 2024 (under CCF, 2022).  |  18.02.2025: Notice regarding "Seminar on Indian Knowledge System" on 18/03/2025.  |  10.02.2025: Department of Political Science: Semester-III IDC Theory Examination revised notice.  |  08.02.2025: Department of Political Science: Corrigendum for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. Semester-III Examination, 2024.  |  07.02.2025: Schedule of Tutorial, SEC and IDC Examination, 2024 for the students of B.A. Semester-III (4-Year Major & 3-Year MDC).  |  05.02.2025: Corrigendum Notice for of Three/Four Year B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. Semester-I Examination, 2024 (under CCF).  |  04.02.2025: Schedule of Three/Four Year B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. Semester-III Examination, 2024 (under CCF).  |  04.02.2025: Department of Political Science: Semester-III (CCF) IDC Theory Examination.  | 

Government Girls' General Degree College

Estd. in 2016 | Affiliated to the University of Calcutta |
 ISO Certified: 14001:2015, 50001:2018, 9001:2015 


Departmental History

The journey was flagged off in March, 2016 with two full time permanent faculty members and with the warm support of the Principal Madam (Officer-in-Charge in those years).

The first batch of students were admitted in 2016-17 academic session. As a new undergraduate College and without any structured publicity, our first batch had two students admitted from which one left within a few weeks. Sociology as an academic discipline, is comparatively young at the institutional levels and specially so at the catchment area of the College.As a new College , we had to open our doors to anyone and everyone who doesn't have any background of the subject. That was our first and a difficult challenge.

From the next batch onwards (2017-18 onwards) we had students, few in number but interested in the subject. We consider this as one of our point of success. The second batch students scored first class marks in the University examination and pursuing their post graduate studies. They could maintain their excellence there too.

Third, fourth batches too, completed and are employed in different organisations. We thought, we could cross another of our difficult barriers, successfully. The department grew in the infrastructure as well. We could digitise part of our deliveries. With the help of the Principal Madam, the department is now self-sufficient with computer, printer, copier and scanner and other necessary infrastructural facilities.

Also, the department put untiring efforts to train the students in digital learning process. We thought it extremely important, now-a-days, for pursuing in any field of knowledge. Very selectively and as per government allotments, we collected 389 text and reference books in the central library. Apart from this, for the benefit of the students, one of the faculties (Dr.Madhumita Sen) donated around one hundred books to the central library. The Faculties always encouraged their students to do "library -work" as a part of their preparatory efforts on the syllabus. Emphasis are put not only on the prescribed curriculum of the affiliating University, but also on the all-around development of social awareness and sense of duties and responsibilities of each and every individual towards the other. These happened to be part of our greater syllabus. From time to time, we arranged for academic support from guest faculties as per government regulations. These were arranged depending on the scarcity of permanent faculty-members and keeping in mind the need for introducing all the prescribed components in the syllabus.

The department takes adequate initiative to maintain relationship with the parents of the wards through meetings in regular intervals. Keeping above in the background, Sociology department of Government Girl's General Degree College would like to focus on expanding its activities and creating it an ideal space as a centre for knowledge and research development.

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