17.03.2025: Duty Roster of Seminar on "Indian Knowledge System" on 18/03/2025.  |  13.03.2025: Notice regarding Holi Celebration Programme on 17/03/2025.  |  13.03.2025: Notice for all the departments regarding to submit their Annual Report 2024-2025 within 27/03/2025.  |  13.03.2025: Notice for existing and ex-students and respected teachers regarding to submit creative writings and paintings for publication in college magazine by 30/04/2025.  |  13.03.2025: Notice regarding commencement of B.A./B.Com. Semester-II classes from 17/03/2025 and B.Sc. Semester-II from 02/04/2025.  |  13.03.2025: Notice for all the students, teachers and office staff regarding 7-Day Special Camp from 17/03/2025 to 23/03/2025.  |  13.03.2025: Notice for all the departments regarding submission of results in CU portal.  |  13.03.2025: Schedule of B.Com. (Honours & General) Semester-III (under CBCS) Practical Examination, 2024 on 20/03/2025.  |  12.03.2025: Schedule of 4-Year B.Sc. Chemistry Semester-I Examination, 2024 (under CCF, 2022) on 20/03/2025.  |  10.03.2025: Notice regarding Orientation Programme on "Vikshit Bharat Youth Parliament" on 12/03/2025.  |  18.02.2025: Notice for students who are going to appear in 4-Year/3-Year B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. Semester-I Examination, 2024 (under CCF, 2022).  |  18.02.2025: Notice regarding "Seminar on Indian Knowledge System" on 18/03/2025.  |  10.02.2025: Department of Political Science: Semester-III IDC Theory Examination revised notice.  |  08.02.2025: Department of Political Science: Corrigendum for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. Semester-III Examination, 2024.  |  07.02.2025: Schedule of Tutorial, SEC and IDC Examination, 2024 for the students of B.A. Semester-III (4-Year Major & 3-Year MDC).  |  05.02.2025: Corrigendum Notice for of Three/Four Year B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. Semester-I Examination, 2024 (under CCF).  |  04.02.2025: Schedule of Three/Four Year B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. Semester-III Examination, 2024 (under CCF).  |  04.02.2025: Department of Political Science: Semester-III (CCF) IDC Theory Examination.  | 

Government Girls' General Degree College

Estd. in 2016 | Affiliated to the University of Calcutta |
 ISO Certified: 14001:2015, 50001:2018, 9001:2015 

About Us

Principal's Desk

Dr. Syeda Shariqatul Moula Alquadri
M.A. (C.U.), Ph.D. (C.U.)

Education has been considered as a key instrument for social change and progression. The present decade is marked by an increasing awareness of the necessity of women's empowerment, for it plays an important role in the development of a country. Higher education for women has become a policy agenda for many developing nations including India. Government of West Bengal has also taken various steps to enhance women's position by means of education. Establishment of this Government College for Girls at Ekbalpur, Kolkata is a part of this endeavour. The college is directed to spread and improve the quality of education among all sections of women in the society. In other words, this college visualizes the academic and intellectual development, moral uplift, social commitment, cultural refinement of the upcoming generation. To reach the vision following are the future plans:
  • To cultivate quality and excellence in education.
  • To boost scientific and technological temperament.
  • To organize Seminars and Workshops for cultivation of knowledge, skills and discipline among the students.
  • To ensure overall personality development of the students through extra-curricular activities.
  • To provide opportunities for improvement of girls from educationally and economically marginalized section of the society.
The college began its academic journey on 28th January 2016 with thirteen departments. The academic session started with one hundred and fifteen students in both Arts and Science streams. To create awareness, conviction and commitment among the students towards social and moral values, the college arranges for compulsory Value Education classes where lectures are delivered by eminent personalities from various fields. The college provides scope to its students to put forward their views, positive and negative, through Grievance Redressal Cell and Anti-Ragging cell. The Psychological Counselling Cell looks into the problems faced by the students. Being a girl's college a Sexual Harassment Cell has also been set up within the campus.

The students are awarded with certificates and medals not only for their cultural achievements and athletic prowess but there are other awards for them as well. Principal’s Medal is awarded to "The Best Student of the Year". A Medal will be awarded by Dr. Syed Shah Marhoonul Irshad Alquadri, in memory of his revered father His Holiness Hazrat Syed Shah Rashad Ali Alquadri for obtaining Highest Marks in C.U Part-I Examination. Late Bhupendranath Sen Memorial award will be given to the students of Bengali Honours securing highest marks in Part III Final Examination. Certificates will be given to the regular participants of the value education classes. On behalf of all faculty members and members of non-teaching staff, I welcome all aspiring students to participate in our mission.

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