Government Girls' General Degree College

Estd. in 2016 | Affiliated to the University of Calcutta



Other Faculties of English Dept.
Dr. Debaprasad Banerjee
Dr. Debaprasad Banerjee
Dr. Debaprasad Banerjee
Associate Professor & Head of the Department

Educational Qualification
Degree Pass out from
Ph.D. Calcutta University
M.Phil. Calcutta University
M.A. Calcutta University
Research Area/Projects
  • UGC MINOR RESEARCH PROJECT 2010 – Joseph Conrad’s fiction.
  • UGC MINOR RESEARCH PROJECT 2012 – Bishnu Dey’s Poems and Paintings.
  • UGC MINOR RESEARCH PROJECT 2014 – Jayanta Mahapatra’s Poems.
Field of Specialization
  • Modern Fiction, Poetry, Indian Writing in English, Translation Studies.
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Orientation Course/Refreshers Course
  • Orientation Programme CU Rajabazar Science College 1991.
  • Refresher Course: Jadavpur University 1994
  • Refresher Course Calcutta University 2001
  • UGC National Seminar on Indian Writing in English, 2009.
  • UGC Seminar on Bishnu Dey, 2010.
  • UGC National Seminar on Emerging Trends "Indian Writing in English", 2016.
  • Wrokshop at Loreto College on CBCS Syllabus, 2018 as a Resource Person.
Article Published
  • Conrad’s Lord Jim – Journal of Cultural Studies. ISSN-0974-7192, 2009.
  • Edited Journal of Cultural Studies, Vol. 13-16, ISSN-0974-7192, 2017.
  • Journal of the Post – Graduate Department of English. (Ed.) 2010, 2011, 2012.
Book Published/Chapter in book Published
  • Bisnu Dey – Collection of Essays (Ed.). 2010.ISSN 2249 8737
  • Golden Leaves – A Text book for College Students, Macmillan. 2011. [ISBN 10:230-32251-4]
  • Vivekanada – collection of essays. 9Ed.) 2013.
  • To The End of the Night. (Ed.) Debaprasad Banerjee [ISBN: 978-81-928246-3-5].
  • Keats – Ritwik – 2015, Book Fair.
  • Bhore Motir Kanphule: Jayanta Mahapatra’s Autobiography – 2011. Maulana Azad College
  • Second Part of Jayanta Mahapatra’s Autobiography. 2013.
  • Resident Editor, Journal of Literature, Culture & Media Studies [ISSN 0974-7192].
  • Member of the Advisory Board, Efflorescence [ISSN 2278-3873].
  • Translation Work: Autobiography of Jayanta Mahapatra – Bhore Motir Kanphul, To The End of the Night
Programme in Radio/TV
  • Programme organized at Gyanvani Radio Channel (UGC).
Membership in the Society
  • Member, UG Board of Studies, Calcutta University
  • Member, Board of Moderators, St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata (Till 2021)
  • Member, PGEC, Maulana Azad College, Kolkata
  • Executive Committee member, English Study Centre, Kolkata
  • Life Member, The Asiatic Society, Kolkata
Other Notable Activities
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